The Health Benefits of Coffee and Tea: How This Powerful Combo Lowers Mortality, Reduces Stroke Risk, and Fights Diabetes

Coffee + Tea: A Powerful Combo for Reducing Health Risks


1. Coffee + Tea: A Powerful Combo for Reducing Health Risks

1. Lowering Mortality Rates

Researchers analyzed data from nearly 500,000 people to study the effects of drinking coffee and tea separately or together on overall mortality and cause-specific mortality. Here are the findings:

  • Tea Drinkers:
    • Drinking 3 cups of tea daily was associated with the lowest risk of all-cause mortality, while drinking about 6 cups of tea per day had the lowest risk of death from digestive diseases.
    • Participants who drank 2-4 cups of tea daily had the lowest risk of dying from all causes, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory diseases, with a significant 23% reduction in all-cause mortality.
  • Coffee Drinkers:
    • Drinking 1 cup of coffee daily was linked to the lowest all-cause mortality risk, while 5 cups daily reduced the risk of death from digestive diseases.
    • Compared to non-coffee drinkers, those who drank less than 1-2 cups per day saw a 20% reduction in all-cause mortality risk, as well as lower rates of cardiovascular and respiratory disease mortality.
  • Coffee + Tea Drinkers:
    • Those who drank less than 1-2 cups of coffee and 2-4 cups of tea daily reduced their all-cause mortality risk by 22%, cardiovascular disease mortality risk by 24%, and respiratory disease mortality risk by 31% compared to those who didn’t drink either beverage.

2. Reducing Obesity and Diabetes Risks

A Mendelian randomization study by the Karolinska Institute and other institutions showed that higher plasma caffeine levels can effectively reduce body fat and lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Specifically, for every standard deviation increase in plasma caffeine, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreased by 19-23%.

3. Reducing Stroke and Dementia Risks

Research on the combined effects of coffee and tea revealed that this duo is more effective at reducing stroke and dementia risks than either beverage alone. Here’s what the study found:

  • Drinking 2-4 cups of coffee daily reduced stroke risk by 8-12%, and 2-4 cups of tea reduced it by 16%. However, combining 2-3 cups of coffee and 2-3 cups of tea daily reduced stroke risk by an impressive 32%.
  • Compared to non-drinkers, those who drank 0.5-1 cup of coffee and 2-3 cups of tea daily halved their risk (50%) of developing post-stroke dementia.

2. How to Enjoy Coffee and Tea for Maximum Benefits

While coffee and tea offer numerous health benefits, it’s important to follow some guidelines to maximize these benefits and avoid potential risks.

1. Avoid Drinking at These Times:

  • After Dinner:
    Caffeine takes about 8 hours to metabolize, so drinking coffee or tea after dinner can disrupt your sleep. Avoid relying on caffeine to stay up all night, as it can strain your body and lead to health issues.
  • After Alcohol:
    Alcohol stimulates the nervous system, increasing heart rate and dilating blood vessels. Since caffeine in coffee and tea also speeds up the heart rate, drinking these beverages after alcohol can put extra stress on the heart.
  • While Taking Medication:
    Certain medications, like cold medicines, sleeping pills, vitamins, and thyroid hormone drugs, may interact with the caffeine and tannins in coffee and tea, interfering with drug metabolism and causing adverse reactions.

2. Stick to These Daily Limits:

  • Tea:
    Limit yourself to no more than 12 grams of tea daily. Strong tea, which contains high levels of caffeine and theobromine, can irritate the stomach and increase the risk of gastric issues or even stomach cancer. Excessive fluoride in strong tea may also lead to kidney stones. A healthy adult should spread 12 grams of tea over 3-4 servings per day.
  • Coffee:
    The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other institutions recommend that healthy adults consume 3-5 cups of coffee daily, equating to 210-400 mg of caffeine. If you’re sensitive to caffeine and experience rapid or irregular heartbeats after drinking coffee or tea, consider reducing your intake or avoiding it altogether.

3. Some People Should Avoid Coffee and Tea:

  • Children in Growth Stages:
    Caffeine can interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients like calcium and iron.
  • Patients with Severe Hypertension, Heart Disease, or Circulatory Disorders:
    Active substances in coffee and tea can stimulate the central nervous system, increasing the risk of health complications.
  • Individuals with Gastrointestinal Diseases:
    Coffee and tea may hinder ulcer healing and exacerbate existing conditions.
  • Those Needing Rest After Illness, or Sufferers of Hyperthyroidism and Tuberculosis:
    Caffeine and theobromine can cause restlessness and irritability, making it difficult to relax and recover.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of coffee and tea while minimizing potential risks.


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